
Higher Vibe'rations is all about creating a space for women (moms especially) to feel sexy and loved by promoting self love. being a mom of 3 boys and a wife, you forget to make time for yourself.  You forget or ignore the importance of doing things that make you happy, you get caught up in everyday life, situations, responsibilities and  all your time and energy goes into everyone else you tend to always come last which isn't always fair. One day while watching "Red table talk" Jada Pinkett said  (don't quote me) "when you stop taking care of yourself you get out of  balance and you really forget how to take care of others, if you aren’t happy the whole house cant be happy and everything gets thrown outta balance “. I felt that on a spiritual level . I than said to my self Tanasia its time to get back to you, its time to get back and start doing the things that makes you happy! lets be real ladies we are the glue that holds everything together we are the Queen of the castle and if you're not happy and healthy mentally and physically how can we take care of anyone?

My mindset changed the way I looked at myself changed, which is what led me to what I like to call my journey to Self- Love

I started speaking life into my self by doing affirmations, dancing , singing, journaling, unfollowing anything negative   taking spiritual baths lighting candles burning sage etc. just doing whatever I needed to do to feel happy special and loved!

This new feeling this new mindset felt amazing, I said I have to help others because I know for sure I'm not the only women that feels this way.

ladies we are special, beautiful, strong and powerful its time to remember who you are and remember that its not only ok but necessary to take care of self and sometimes put yourself first. we all make scarifies but your happiness should never be sacrificed..

Self Love is the best love.....